The Cold General Dr. Melissa Ivers: How Good Dental Health Can Help Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease

Dr. Melissa Ivers: How Good Dental Health Can Help Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease

Dr. Melissa Ivers: How Good Dental Health Can Help Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease post thumbnail image

Considered a realm separate from general health, oral health, specifically dental health, is the unsung warrior in heart disease prevention. Emerging evidence supports that maintaining good oral health can reduce the risk of heart disease. Dr. Melissa Ivers investigates this intriguing interlink, highlighting avenues through which good dental health can be pivotal in heart disease prevention.

Oral Health: The Heart’s Unexpected Ally

The mouth can be a surprising battleground for heart health, with dental diseases posing potential risks to the heart. Dr. Melissa Ivers Numerous studies indicate a significant link between periodontal disease, a consequence of poor dental health, and heart disease. The bacteria causing gum infections can enter the bloodstream, causing inflammation and damage to blood vessels, leading to cardiovascular complications.

Other than that, certain infections provoked by dental diseases trigger the body’s inflammatory response, leading to an elevation in C-reactive protein levels, a marker for inflammation in blood vessels. This scenario can escalate the risk of developing heart disease.

Championing Dental Health for Heart Health

Guarding dental health can hold the key to heart wellness, and here’s how to unlock this potential. For one, the simple act of brushing teeth twice a day and flossing once a day can keep harmful bacteria at bay, reducing the risk of gum disease and, by extension, heart disease.

Aside from that, getting regular dental visits ensure early detection and treatment of oral health issues, thereby reducing the chance of systemic inflammation and consequential heart disease.

Healthy Habits for Dental and Heart Health

Dr. Melissa Ivers Inculcating healthy habits can enhance dental health and concurrently promote heart health. First of all, a diet that is low in added sugars and high in fiber-rich fruits and vegetables contributes to both oral and cardiovascular health.

Aside from that, quitting tobacco not only reduces the risk of oral cancers but also cardiovascular diseases. Lastly, reducing alcohol intake is beneficial for oral and cardiovascular health as high consumption is related to conditions such as gum disease and heart disease.

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